Once Upon A Time ...

Well, you may not have realized it but gamemasters are all lazy at heart. We'd much rather have an absolutely reliable guide to characters and places, chock full of interestingly neurotic NPCs and detailed maps of clubs, diners, Corp headquarters, and Yakuza hang-outs. Well, like my dad used to say, wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first. This section is dedicated to easing the pain of all my fellow GMs out there. I'll try and deliver some useful items I've dreamed up: weapons, people, places, and the like. None of the things that I plan on offering here are going to have stats remarkably different from what has already been published in any of the SR4 books, primarily because I want people to be able to actually use these items rather than having them upset the balance of power in a game. That being said, I won't hesitate to offer the optimized version of weapons and vehicles. After all, if the option is out there, a corporation has taken advantage of it already.